Condescending armchair  

Posted by Vaishali Adwant

Hauteur tops the wish list,
Of vile variety amidst.

Landlords of overbearing gut,
Lodges in the mind of a mutt.
Hemline of erudition chucks,
In the spirit of edifying cult.

Eerie errands of eyeses,
Sagacity shamed to death,
False notions mind entices,
Mead of follies covered in sheath.

Sham of high-brow tiff,
In the condescending armchair,
Throttling mental mastiff,
Inside the hominid lair.

Filigree of ire  

Posted by Vaishali Adwant

I told you so, I told you so,
Said the ticking time,
Love as slender as dove,
Fruition worth a dime. 

Tapestry of bondage,
Tailed bereft espionage,
Lured in feigned charm,
True virtue of love is shammed.

Art of manipulation,
Blinds ideation of reality,
Gild of confused estranged,
Fall prey to unavailability.

Wise learn in silence,
Distorted become soar,
Sensible spue negligence,
Rube’s have apocalyptic uproar.

All said and done,
Cliché of emotions larn,
The human mind is dire,
Soaked in false hopes and bemired.

Alarming appeal of traits,
In mindless lurching gait,
Stood and made you wait,
Till rhyme and reason abates.

I told you so, I told you so,
Time chuckles to remind,
Truth bitter and cold,
The opium seemed divine.

In war of light and dark,
A new beginning waits to embark,
Potions of zeal surface,
Ramming quagmire’s embrace.

As you set yourself free,
From the filigree of ire,
And negligee of flake attire,
Mirth is stable and glee.

Life's Upbeat  

Posted by Vaishali Adwant

Life's upbeat
with work and relief
with zeal and belief
felicity it meets

can of worms
have no place to roam
in closets or dorms
in offices or homes

when you take the bait to strive
with hope and rely
and dreams to fly
gantlets dont belie-
courage and freedom,
or an intriguing  martyrdom

Will of your soul,
doled-out trust patrol
to have emotions in control
Saviour meaningful whole

bandits of mind
chained and sawed and grind,
despair dumb and blind,
eudemon unbinds and rewinds

to the spirit unconcealed,
blackball what cant yield,
play smart in the field,
The secret is revealed

The secret of this Earth,
that put you far and forth,
swaying in rue and mirth
nescience is in dearth

knowledge is pain,
nothing goes in vain
erstwhile whims disdained
Scored a bull's eye to fame