Strange it is as I obeserve and experience how promptness has lost its lustre.People like to keep you waiting for info,meetings,etc just to show control instead of promptly responding to zesty earnestness and get the work flowing.What surprises me is the amusement people get out of my 'prompt' response in simple situations where waiting is a burdensome expense to both the individuals.This dosage must be given to all the goverment officials who treat promptitude like a deadly evildoing.Just imagine how work can speed up if all of us follow this simple principle of responding pronto.Your loved ones will be more than happy.The most ignored and baffeled misgiving so far is delaying response to a personal or professional quest.Really is it a big deal?RSVP is not reserved to customer-service alone.We delay response coz we fear that we will be taken for granted or our readiness maybe misread on various occassions.Its really strange and sad that this effective quality is so misunderstood to be kicked and manipulated per se in the open that it has lost its value,unless implemented as a company policy for a specific area of work.However one can always delay response to absorbing unpleasant or negative traits such as sloth or any type of hazardous addiction.
People are unusually amused to see me respond with quickeness and a sense of urgency to their quest.However I do priortize my response based on which task is worth paying immediate attention.I also train my crew to do the respond without delay and follow the principle of transperancy.
To responsd or not to is the question..
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on Thursday, December 16, 2010
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